K Troop is the official Living History Representatives of the Texas State Railroad and Texas Parks and Wildlife. The organization has represented the Texas State Railroad State Historical Park with Living History exhibits and encampments of the 1898 period over most of the State of Texas. K Troop shows what life was like in 1898 during the Spanish American War.
Our main goal is educating the public about this very important time period. Very little is seemingly known by students and parents today about how important this time was in the history of the country.
Living History exhibits include several tents, such as Mess Tent (with "mess, " or a meal, being prepared), and complete and functional 1898 Troop Field Hospital, a Headquarters Tent and Fly, a Commanding Officers Tent and Fly, A Frame Officers Tents, Dog Tents, and a Guard Post Tent.
Equipment used for displays are vintage or faithful reproductions.
Uniforms are the Rough Rider uniform. There are both Mounted and Dismounted Troops.
K Troopers have been in the TNT Rough Riders mini-series and in several television specials on the Spanish American War filmed in the Railroad Park. Last year, K Troop hosted the National Centennial of the Spanish American War at the Texas State Railroad State Historical Park where PBS filmed the participants for the PBS Special Crucible of Empire.
If you are interested, contact:
, CaptainK Troop, 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry
8068 PR 1440
Centerville, Texas 75833
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