Special Thanks to OKRA for their $25, 000 Donation.

Adopt-a-Horse Program
To ensure Mounted Patrol is able to operate at its current capacity, we are seeking financial support from corporations, organizations, and individuals to offset the unit's operating costs for the 30 to 35 horse herd. Accordingly, we are requesting that you consider sponsoring a Mounted Patrol horse. The tax deductible $5, 000 sponsorship will cover all of the operating expenses for one horse for one year. In return, we offer our sponsors the opportunity to:
- Name the horse. This name will be displayed on the saddle pad worn on patrol duty
- On the horse's stall, have a plaque stating "Proudly Sponsored By (company or organization logo)"
- Recognition on the Police Foundation and Mounted Patrol web pages that includes the company or organization's logo.
- HPD will provide studio quality photos of the horse, horse and assigned officer, and horse and sponsor-designated personnel for display at the sponsor's place of business.
Source: www.houstonpolicefoundation.org

Smash, The rookie horse at the Houston Mounted Patrol

Houston and Austin Mounted patrol

Houston Mounted Patrol 1