Cavalry Portfolio Services Cavalry Investments, LLC & Winn Law Group I'm being charged $4600.00 for a Sprint bill that wasn't more than $200.00. They levied my checking account and garnished my wages. Fullerton California
Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide "insider information" on this company?
What's this?Are you also a victim of the same company or individual? Want Justice? File a Rip-off Report, help other consumers to be educated and don't let them get away with it!
What's this?Got Reports filed against you? Resolve the issues and rebuild trust through our Corporate Advocacy Program.
Corporate Advocacy Program: The best way to manage and repair your business reputation. Hiding negative complaints is only a Band-Aid. Consumers want to see how businesses take care of business. All businesses will get complaints. How those businesses take care of those complaints is what separates good businesses from bad businesses.
Author Consumer Employee/OwnerIn 1999 I purchased a sprint phone. In 2001 I added a second line for someone. The service was shut off due to non-payment. A few years later I started getting letters from Cavalry Portfolio Services saying I owed a rediculous amount. I thought it was some kind of scam until they went into my checking account and took everything I had. I went to court and got all my money back. When they found out I had a job they started garnishing my wages. Even during the wage garnishment a they would call trying to get more money out of me. I want this to end.
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