Full Dress Uniform, Inspector William D. Antrobus
North-West Mounted Police
1876 pattern
The first incarnation of the Mounted Police was the North-West Mounted Police (1873-1904). Antrobus served from 1873 to 1892. Material related to the North-West Mounted Police is relatively rare, but Glenbow Museum has some important holdings from this aspect of the force including the full dress uniform seen here. Other artifacts include binoculars and swords.
Detective Badge
Royal North-West Mounted Police
ca. 1918
The Royal North-West Mounted Police followed the North-West Mounted Police as the title of the force, from 1904 to 1920. At this time the force still had a frontier flavour as the West was still developing. Material related to the Royal North-West Mounted Police is difficult to find, but Glenbow Museum has 100 such objects including handcuffs and eight tunics.
Cap and Tunic, Constable Harry C. Douglass
Royal North-West Mounted Police
Siberian expeditionary force, 1919
This extremely rare tunic saw service in the Russian Civil War, 1918-1921, where members of the Royal North-West Mounted Police were called in to maintain law and order in Vladivostok, Siberia following the First World War. The Royal North-West Mounted Police followed the North-West Mounted Police as the title of the force, from 1904 to 1920.
Polar Medal with 1940-1942 bar
Constable A.J. Chartrand
Constable Chartrand was a member of the crew of the St. Roche, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police schooner that was the first to navigate the Northwest Passage from West to East, firmly establishing Canada's sovereignty in the Arctic. Sadly, Constable Chartrand died en route. The current designation of the force is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and has been so since 1920.
Shoulder Title and Buttons, Corporal Francis J. Brailsford
Alberta Provincial Police
ca. 1925-1932
The Alberta Provincial Police, formed in 1917, are closely related to the Mounted Police since their members were absorbed into the Royal Canadian Mounted Police when the Alberta Provincial Police disbanded in 1932. Alberta Provincial Police material is rare, but Glenbow Museum has some important holdings related to this force.
Enfield Mark II Revolver
The Mounted Police collection also encompasses the broad spectrum of firearms used by the force, including side arms and shoulder arms. There are several examples each of: Adams Mark I, Adams Mark III, Enfield Mark II, Smith & Wesson and Colt revolvers, and Snider-Enfield, Winchester Model 1876, Lee-Enfield Mark I, Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mark III, Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mark I and Ross Mark II rifles.