Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Home > Fact Sheets > New RCMP National Headquarters Building: The M.J. Nadon Government of Canada Building
- The decision to purchase the complex at 73 Leikin Drive was made by the federal government in 2006.
- Renovations began at 73 Leikin Drive in January 2009.
- The building has an area of 78, 411 square meters (844, 000 square feet).
- The building sits on a lot size of 54 acres (21.85 hectares); equal to 54 football fields.
- The building has the capacity to accommodate approximately 3, 000 employees.
- The office space was designed and built to comply with the Government of Canada Workplace Fit-up Standards.
- The new RCMP National Headquarters is located at 73 Leikin Drive, Ottawa ON.
- The RCMP selected the street number "73" as it is rooted in RCMP history. In 1873 the Parliament of Canada established the North-West Mounted Police.
- Maurice Jean Nadon was the 16th Commissioner of the RCMP.
- He is recognized for the significant contributions he made during 36 years of service with the RCMP, including the Commissioner's Order which created the first female troop at Depot.
- This complex is comprised of seven interconnected buildings. An atrium connects all buildings at ground level.
- As part of the NHQ Relocation Project, the RCMP relocated 2, 500 employees between 2009 and 2012.
- Over the next year, the RCMP will reach the building's full occupancy capacity of 3, 000 employees.
- The building offers many modern amenities, including a 250-seat auditorium, video conferencing, fitness centre, and cafeteria.
- The NHQ complex meets official LEED CI "Silver" designation requirements. The RCMP is committed to an environmentally conscious footprint.
Source: www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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