The police do not pay much attention to many citizens, and the point is hidden in their clothes (that they buy and wear exquisite wholesale church suits), always smile and behave quietly in crowded places.
Clothing carries its own philosophy and tells about a person: who he is, what kind of education he has, what is the world of his interests. It determines how to treat him. What should the clothes of modest women and men talk about? About humility, one of the basic Christian virtues. Faith is eternal, fashion is a momentary mood, or, as some famous couturier has aptly put it, is just a piece of fabric moving through the body of a woman and a man. However, it's always nice when this fabric is of good quality, well-tailored and has a nice color. This is exactly what church dresses and costumes are.
Quite good sets can be created from skirts, both dark and bright saturated colors and light blouses. Sundresses with turtlenecks and shirts will look great. Dresses with white collars or outfits with embroidered flowers. Checkered fabrics are in fashion now. Dresses in any check and any color will perfectly fit into the wardrobe of an orthodox catholic woman.
Fashion designers are working on this problem. Shows of the first outfits for girls and women have already been organized. For each church holiday, a certain color was chosen for the outfits, in accordance with the traditions. It is difficult to change something in the style that has developed over the centuries, but they are designers in order to create something new.
Not only women can afford to dress modestly, but fashionably. Men can also wear a variety of colors and patterns to suit every mood and taste. Many costumes will not leave indifferent any fashionista.
Image by SNCR_GROUP from Pixabay