Directory of Town Services
Town Manager's OfficeC. James Ervin, Town Manager
Town of Rocky Mount
345 Donald Avenue, Rocky Mount, VA 24151
Ph: 540-483-7660 Fax: 540-483-8830
E-mail: jervin@rockymountva.org
The Manager interprets and implements policy determined by Council; oversees the enforcement of all laws and ordinances; appoints, directs, and evaluates all department heads and employees on the basis of merit and job performance; prepares and recommends annual operating and capital budgets; prepares agenda materials for meetings; keeps the Council advised of present financial conditions and future needs of the government through regular reports to Council; represents the Town in daily routine relations with the public, the media, other governmental entities, and private agencies; serves on various boards and committees; and other duties as may be described by the Town Charter or required of him by ordinance or mandate of the Council.
Town Clerk's Office
Stacey B. Sink, CMC - Town Clerk
Town of Rocky Mount
345 Donald Avenue, Rocky Mount, VA 24151
Ph: 540-483-7660 Fax: 540-483-8830
E-mail: ssink@rockymountva.org
The Town Clerk serves at the pleasure of Town Council. The Town Clerk gives notice of Council meetings to its members and the public; keeps the journal of its proceedings; keeps all papers, documents and records pertaining to the Town; keeps and attests the Town seal; and performs such other duties as assigned to the Town Clerk by the Town Charter or by the Town Council. The Town Clerk also serves as the Administrative Assistant to the Town Manager.
Finance Department
Linda Woody, Director of Finance
Town of Rocky Mount
345 Donald Avenue, Rocky Mount, VA 24151
Ph: 540-483-5243 Fax: 540-483-8830
E-mail: lwoody@rockymountva.org
The Finance Department includes: the Finance Director; an Internal Services Administrator who is responsible for human resources and benefits coordination; an Accounting Technician who is responsible for payroll, accounts payable processing, as well as data entry and maintenance of the general ledger;...