Koda is a dark bay percheron cross born March 05, 2015. He is a gentle giant and hasn’t quite figured out where to put his feet. He is like a bull in a china shop and a fuzzy black bear all wrapped up into one. He loves drinking out of a regular water bottle and his favorite spot to scratch is his hips.
Henry is a red and white spotted draft born April 05, 2015. He is sweet with a kind eye. He seems more mature physically and mentally than his buddies. He prefers a light touch and is a little more sensitive in nature. He is the herd leader of the group. His favorite spot to scratch is his withers.
Parker is also a spotted draft, dark bay in color, and was born on April 26, 2015. He is sweet, cuddly and is becoming more independent. He loves people and will walk from all corners of the paddock to greet you. His favorite place to be scratched is his shoulder/neck area. He loves his milk bucket and will leave you smelling like sour milk.
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The foals are from Last Chance Corral in Athens, OH. Last Chance Corral is a rescue organization for nurse mare foals, as well as, unwanted horses.
They have been wonderful in helping us through the adoption process and are so happy to see these foals go out in the world to promote their organization, as well as becoming great ambassadors to the Kentucky Horse Park.
The foals will be raised and trained to become future police horses at the park. We will start with halter training the foals and progress to everything from clippers, bath, tarps, and other sensory type obstacles. Groundwork will start immediately and continue throughout their career. When they are two and three years of age a rider will be introduced to them.
The Mounted Police, along with Mindy Welch (Kentucky Horse Park Education Supervisor), will train the foals and start them on their path to becoming a police horse. Donations will be greatly appreciated to go towards the smaller size obstacles and sensory items the little fellas will need.